Strategic Grant Application

The WASFAA Executive Council is seeking applications for short-term grants. Applicants may be individuals, schools, organizations, committees, or state groups within the WASFAA region. Applicants should be members in good standing with WASFAA. Grant funding is limited and may be awarded on a first come basis. 

Submit your proposal for consideration of funding to support a new or expanded program. Submissions should consider WASFAA Strategic Goals:
1. Increase opportunities to volunteer within the association and provide a worthwhile and meaningful volunteer experience.
2. Foster inclusion and equip members to assist the diverse populations we serve.
3. Prepare members for leadership positions within the association and financial aid profession.
4. Improve the preparedness and experience of Executive Council members.
5. Provide increased support and resources for state associations.

Applications for the Strategic Grant Program are currently unavailable while this program is being reviewed for fit in WASFAA's Strategic Plan.